Wednesday 21 November 2012


Presentism (pre.zen.tizm) alias presentisme.... ^_^
tiba-tiba aja terbersit begitu saja di pikiran ku. dan menurut aku......
_The tendency for current experience to influence one's views of the past and the future_
setuju gak ??? :) :) :)  kaya e q emang lagi sependapat sama daniel gilbert. hahhahaaa :D

namun dalam suatu teori akan filosofi waktu _ presentisme _ hanya apa yang ada sekarang yang disebut ada, dan masa depan dan masa lampau adalah tidak ada. dalam Realitas Galilean di mana waktu adalah ruang yang independen,

present mindedness

jadi gitu kan intinya ??? __ hehheheee :D :D 

cari pengertian sebenarnya aaaahhh....  

Presentism is the philosophical doctrine that only events and entities—and, in some versions of presentism, timeless objects or ideas like numbers and sets—that occur in the present exist. According to presentism, events and entities that are wholly past or wholly future do not exist at all.(*wikipedia)

Presentism is a mode of literary or historical analysis in which present-day ideas and perspectives are anachronistically introduced into depictions or interpretations of the past. Some modern historians seek to avoid presentism in their work because they believe it creates a distorted understanding of their subject matter.[1] The practice of Presentism is a common fallacy in historical writings. [2]
The Oxford English Dictionary gives the first citation for presentism in its historiographic sense from 1916, and the word may have been used in this meaning as early as the 1870s. The historian David Hackett Fischer identifies presentism as a fallacy also known as the "fallacy of nunc pro tunc". He has written that the "classic example" of presentism was the so-called "Whig history", in which certain eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British historians wrote history in a way that used the past to validate their own political beliefs. (*wikipedia)

ayyyyaaaa... kopas aku.. hahhaa :D :D _ehh tp kan sumbernya ku sebutin ya ??? yeee yeee.. ngaku kalo pake referensi jadi sah2 aja yaaaa.. :) :)

jadi itu deh klo diliat dari versi historical ama philosopical nyyyyaaaaaaa ^0^

haaa ????? ___ jadi langap-longop deh... wkwkkwkwkk :P :P
yah poko' gitu deh...

sedikit aah reny yner mo berpendapat "ruang yang luas baginya namun tak terjamah yg terjamah dalam kesadaran, terkadang ditelaah karena kesadaran, keharusan ato dalam ketidak sadarannya. semuanya dimata saya itu manusiawi :) :) jadi... terserahlah bagaimana kemudian didefinisikan atau tak didefinisikan yang terpenting kita bisa memaknai atau langkah awalnya ngerti :) :) "
 nah lo... bingung kan aq ngomong apa ??? hahhahahaaaa :D :D
biarin deh.. biarin q ngomong :P :P gak usah dmengerti juga gak ape...
lagi gak mo ngasih kesimpulan ato sekedar hipotesa. jiahhahahaaaa :D :D :D
yuk kutip sedikit kata2 oke ini...  see u.. see u

Waktu datang dari masa depan yang belum terjadi
Singgah di masa kini yang tak punya durasi
Lalu pergi ke masa lampau yang sudah tak ada lagi
(St. Augustine)

Thy Letters have transported me beyond
This ignorant present, and i feel now
The future in the instant
(Shakespeare, Macbeth)

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