Sunday 20 January 2013

my silly whistling

every time I start whistling ... Moreover, if with my dad. My dad always laugh when see my action for whistling ...especially when it's just whistling sound coming out the air in the form of blowing without sound.... ^_^ (alias klo suara siulanQ "Busung" atawa cuma keluar udara tanpa suara. hahaa :DD) 
well this time I also tried. dunno why I made this video and voice. of course one is curious. turns out to be ridiculous also ... I'm also laughing at my action. (aneh pancen tibakE.. pantes bokap selalu ketawa lek pas q siulan ngglewar atawa pas busung suaranE ngno iko. hahhaa :DD) somehow this also..hmm.. how if this video I show to my dad ??? i guess, He is definitely right out loud like this when I'm laughing out loud now.. ^_^...  I usually just whistling the song belongs to the scorpion_wind of change (when with my dad). but now ... in some of these videos I quote at the whistling of Johnie ray_just walking in the rain.. check these.. hahhaa :D

check this video._____ hmm,,why the ending is sound weird curved ,,,, ren?? hahhaa :D but who also had lost voice of whistling too _ but this one is not so apparent of voice. Sorry!! 

next...  This video without images. with the tip that actually lost votes of whistling. so just a futile effort. the wind ya ren?? hahhaaa: D 

nah... this still with black showed. only voice.. still ugly ... its also really weird!!! hahaa: D 

 is not strong but laugh too me ...: DD 

then... This one still without pictures. but it's still ridiculous ... with the voices of cheer at me.. (the feeling is also still the same destruction. o_O ren!! hahhaaa: DD) 

ahhh.. this is final videos.. hmm.. many are missing ... hahhaa :D Finally I am tired as well. haahhh!! hahhaaa :D 

at the end I can only say ' excuse me johnie ray ... your songs I corrupted with full awareness. hahhaaa :D how if I make some voting. which one is the best??? _ _ _ best answered use to be is. "nahhh confused ... rich all the same destruction". hahhaa :D (dont be worried.. i knew this is strange.. hahaa :D )
' big aplause for me. .. hahhaa: D * even all there has always been an expression of my own laughs, why?? think of how much I am weird and silly ...: P: P _ _ some a lot even pronunciation I forget to make a whistling that is okay ... as it turns out ... hah!! hahhaa: D if at the time of start thinking then look up and then flashing fast (this also make me laughing well *as the sick intestinal worms hahhaa :D___ lek pas kethip2.. tak delok2 koyo arek cacingen. hahaa :D :P) in addition to the loss of sounds and could not get out the whistling.

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